Losing weight is tough for most of us. It can be even harder as we get older. Only you know what works for you, but if the old ways aren’t working anymore, Kim Shapira, celebrity dietitian & nutritional therapist has some tips! I listed some key points below, courtesy of thegirlfriend.com…and you can click the link for all the deets!
Eat When You’re Hungry
Kim Shapira, celebrity dietitian & nutritional therapist says, “We need to listen to our bodies and eat to satisfy hunger, not for other reasons such as stress, discomfort or boredom
Bunk the Junk
She tells her clients to “eat what they love, but only if it loves you back”
Choose Diverse Meals
She suggests a diverse plate for every meal: lean protein, some carbs, some fat and many vegetables
Aim for eight cups of water a day. Being well-hydrated will make you feel full
Take a Walk (or a Run)
Shoot for 10,000 steps a day, which can be a combination of walking, weight training, cardio — or any movement
Watch Your Salt Intake
Shapira says, “It’s not just table salt but seasonings such as soy, teriyaki and marinara sauce that will cause you to absorb water and appear bloated.”
Say No to Alcohol
She says calories are calories AND alcohol can lower inhibitions and make you more likely to overeat or eat less nutritious foods
Eat Small Meals
Eat five to six meals throughout the day
Don’t diet
Yo-yo dieting wreaks havoc on our metabolism, especially after menopause