I’m all about a good de-cluttering, but when it comes to my closet, I ALWAYS have a hard time. If you’re feeling that struggle, maybe these suggestions from realsimple.com will help…
*Anything That Doesn’t Fit and Isn’t Worth Tailoring
If alterations are gonna cost more than a garment cost, it’s not worth it. If it’s a good quality brand, you can always sell it.
*Damaged or Stained Clothing
If it’s damaged or stained, you need to decide to either repair it or clean it. It’s that simple.
*Painful Heels
If a pair of shoes is uncomfortable before you leave the house, you’re better off letting them go.
*Outdated Trends You Won’t Wear Again
Sure, the look might come back one day, but in the meantime, it’s just taking up space.
*Motivational Clothing
Most of us have been there, holding on to those skinnier days clothes, with the hope that they’ll someday fit. Get rid of it and build a wardrobe that flatters you now.
*Socks and Underwear With Holes
At some point, they won’t serve their purpose. Go ahead and throw out those items and use it as an excuse to “refresh.”
*Anything That Makes You Feel Uncomfortable
If you don’t feel fantastic in it, get rid of it
*T-Shirts You Never Wear
Everybody loves a good t-shirt, and especially a free one. You end up with SO many. Find your faves and let the rest go.
*Mismatched Socks
Oh, the saga of the mismatched sock…if a mate hasn’t turned up in a few months, maybe the dryer ate it? Whatever the case, toss the lonely singles without mates.
*Bad Bridesmaid Dresses
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you’ll not wear that bridesmaid dress again. Donate it to a worthy cause or company so it can benefit someone else.
*Cheap Halloween Costumes
Unless you spent a lot of money on it and you’re definitely gonna wear it again, what’s the point of keeping a cheap Halloween costume? Toss and/or donate.
Click the link below for more inspiration: